Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Welcome to Not Yet (dot) Net!!

Well, it seems I have finally gotten this project off the ground! A blog format seems to be the right way to go for something I can manage. With any luck, I will have the Url pointing here in a day or so. And that Url is of course
the source of my screen name, Naughty Yeti (Not-ty Yet-i -- get it?). Feel free to groan, the Naughty Yeti loves puns...

So what is going to be here? Stuff that is "Not Yet". I love following frontiers in science and technology, so I'll be posting interesting news and hints I find on these subjects, along with my own musings on where that might take us, what might be coming next, why somethings don't seem to be getting any closer, and implications of all the above. With any luck, it will be interesting to someone other than me. See you out there!


Suzie Ridler said...

Welcome to Blogland my friend! What a fascinating blog you've created already, I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.